Friday, September 17, 2010


We love us some smoothies around this house. Kiddo asks for one daily, and since I love them too, I usually comply. I like to use a nice mix of some fresh fruit and some frozen fruit because I think that the frozen fruit makes the smoothie have a better consistency. I usually have a good supply of frozen fruit because whenever our fruit looks like it’s going to turn I freeze it. Bananas get chopped up and placed on a cookie sheet until frozen, then I throw them into a freezer baggie. Strawberries, I clean, hull and place on a cookie sheet until frozen and they get thrown into a baggie too. See the trend here? I just always recommend freezing the fruit on a cookie sheet first, so they are easier to use later. I learned this the hard way. I had a huge can of diced pineapple that was way more than I actually needed. I decided to be frugal and freeze it. Let’s just say I had a HUGE lump of frozen pineapple blob that I chiseled away at for weeks. We like to add a couple tablespoons of flax, just for the nutrition it adds, and I add it to anything that I think I can get away with. Usually there is a whole banana thrown in, because we always have bananas in the house. Also, we use almond milk because that’s what we keep in the house and frozen yogurt for the same reason. Sometimes I will even throw in a bit of pineorangebanana juice concentrate if I think it could use some orangey goodness. There is no real recipe here, just some general guidelines.

Place in blender:
2 cups fruit
3 tablespoons flax
½ cup almond milk (or whatever milk you use)
3 large scoops of frozen yogurt
Blend until completely smooth. Pour into glasses and enjoy! Yields about 3 servings.

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